Ban the Burqa!

From, Angry Aussie on Youtube.

AngryAussie's Cocktail Bar

Looking at the “debate” happening in Australia around head coverings worn by Muslim woman I am filled with disgust by the rampant bigotry but I’m also confounded. First I’m confounded by people who assert this is about freedom for women. Then to prove how much freedom women deserve, they want to pass laws telling women what they can and can’t wear. Second, I’m confounded by the number of people who have very loud views on the topic and yet clearly have not spoken to Muslim women on the topic.
In cases where men are forcing women and girls to wear the niqab or burqa with physical, psychological or financial threats, legal action should definitely be taken. I’m not naïve enough to think this doesn’t happen but in these cases any legal action should NOT be against the women, it should be against the men. You don’t need any new laws…

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Charlene – And a Green Edible Penis

Charlene Blue Hair 1 charlene feeling pretty blue hair


Good old naughty Charlene returns to my Youtube channel, TheNakedWombat with a green penis.

The first video is a daily vlog with no character used in the making of the green jelly/jello penis posted to me by a vlogger in Germany, ‘Woggyflush’.


The second video starring Charlene is the eating of the jelly penis with adult humour. It is not a work safe video or for around children. Unless you work and live in liberal minded areas.


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Why Walmart Failed in Germany

Blog on why Walmart failed in Germany.

The Tim Channel

Walmart, the most successful retail operation in the US, failed to make even a dent in the largest and most vibrant European economy (Germany) after losing a billion dollars in the process of bungling their German market experiment with so much failure it is now the stuff of local urban legend..  Let’s examine the reasons.

Cultural Hubris

“The problem was the company’s business philosophy, which had always worked so well,” wrote Frankfurt’s Börsenzeitung in what pretty much amounted to an obituary. “It’s people-centered – but that doesn’t actually work when the people aren’t American.

The company gave the job of masterminding Wal-Mart Germany to an American who didn’t speak a word of German.

The Germans weren’t fond of the Walmart practice of hiring old people to accost greet them at the door, nor were the German workers impressed with morning warm-up sessions (“Higher Profits Uber Alles! — Can I get…

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Men’s Rights Activists – Shut The Fuck Up!

By Andrew, The Angry Aussie…

AngryAussie's Cocktail Bar

I turned my recent blog post into a video and here it is:

I’ve been very happy with the overwhelmingly positive response the original post received across various social media but the video brought the truly abysmal “men’s rights activists” out of the primordial slime in a way the blog post didn’t. I’m assuming reading isn’t their forte. The wave of hate was like old school YouTube trolls. I haven’t been subjected to it on this scale myself for years. I feel it gave me a tiny insight into the sort of hate women who dare to speak up get every day and it really highlighted how vile these MRA losers are.

It isn’t as though I’m surprised but both the blog post and video were relatively mild – suggesting that it’s actually in men’s best interests to pick up their game in relation to women. What I got in response…

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Australia’s Conservative Movement = Despotism in Australia

When you read the beliefs of Australia’s central conservative movement, the Liberal Party of Australia, one has to wonder if they’re reading the very website of the Governments they have been elected to govern.

We Believe:

In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples; and we work towards a lean government that minimises interference in our daily lives; and maximises individual and private sector initiative

In government that nurtures and encourages its citizens through incentive, rather than putting limits on people through the punishing disincentives of burdensome taxes and the stifling structures of Labor’s corporate state and bureaucratic red tape.

In those most basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy – the freedom of thought, worship, speech and association.

In a just and humane society in which the importance of the family and the role of law and justice is maintained.

In equal opportunity for all Australians; and the encouragement and facilitation of wealth so that all may enjoy the highest possible standards of living, health, education and social justice.

That, wherever possible, government should not compete with an efficient private sector; and that businesses and individuals – not government – are the true creators of wealth and employment.

In preserving Australia’s natural beauty and the environment for future generations.

That our nation has a constructive role to play in maintaining world peace and democracy through alliance with other free nations.

In short, we simply believe in individual freedom and free enterprise; and if you share this belief, then ours is the Party for you.


Currently the Liberal Party is elected to govern the Australian Federal Government along with five States being Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and Western Australia, along with the Northern Territory Government. Only South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory has the Liberal Party not been elected. The South Australian Parliament is currently a minority Parliament where a third party has decided who shall vote govern in that State All of these Liberal Party Governments are in their first term except for Western Australia where the Liberal Party are now in their second term in Office.

A lot has happened in the past two years and very quickly. Rampant corruption, removal of civil liberties, extreme laws to control the people, removing workers rights and protections, financially punishing the poor, telling manufacturing they aren’t wanted in Australia, abolishing the key roles of science in Government, propping up the role of the Christian Church, abandoning public health and education and so much more. Certainly this has to be a mistake for this is opposite to the Liberal Party belief system quoted above.

The Queensland Liberal National Government created Anti Association Laws where the State’s Attorney General, a politician, can make any organisation a criminal organistion. No Court trial or evidence required. Any association and you face 20 years prison as a dangerous prisoner in solitude. All you have to do is know someone even if they are a work mate. You could be put in prison for just knowing the person who is a member of such an organisation or was once a member in the past. Police can also strip search you in public without evidence or a reason required under other laws and, another law that just being more than three people together is enough to see you being viewed as a gang.

The Victorian Liberal Government is attempting the same now. A new Victorian Law can see a protester put in prison for up to two years. The Tasmanian Liberal Government is also now looking at doing this too.

In Queensland, the union movement is no longer allowed to speak out on any issue on behalf their members without a State wide referendum of their members, held by the Queensland Electoral Commission on every single issue. All to illegalise dissent.

The Western Australian Government is also considering strict laws that could see any group be listed as criminal without any trial.

Now, federally speaking, we saw the election of the Liberal National Coalition to the Australian Government. Their first actions included telling GM-Holden to get out of Australia, political witch hunts using the Police and Courts against their rivals began and several Minsterial Portfolios were abolished including; The Aged, Youth and Science. Yes, there is no Government Portfolio for Science any more. It is dead. And as science was removed from the fore, they have upped the importance the Christian Church.

In their first budget, funding for public education and health is being wound back but funding for Christian run schools and health have been given a healthy increase. The more elite the school, the more the conservatives return financial favour. Right at the time the Royal Commission into Child Abuse(created by the previous Gillard Labor Government) has been finding extreme abuse of children committed by the Christian organisations both in the past and still happening, the Abbott Government has decided to financially reward them and seek to have more children in the hands of child abusers at taxpayers expense.

With the Abbott Government’s first budget, they have moved to remove financial incentives from the average person, pensioners stand to lose over $1,000 per annum, people under 30 years old will be treated harshly if unemployed, new taxes and tax increases but not for the wealthy. No unemployment benefit if you are 25 and then up to 30, unemployed will receive six months of welfare assistance for every 12 months while expected to rent house, pay bills, eat, find a job and more. Again, the very wealthy are helped with the move to open up platforms for them to save on further taxation.

On top of all this, the Abbott Government where every single Government Minister is Catholic and must be a Catholic or they have no Ministerial role, lead by Tony Abbott who declared at least once that only Christians make good Australians, who is denying Muslims at prison refugees camps access to essential medicine and medical aids including operations to remove bullets from their bodies after fleeing persecution, a burns victim denied medicine for related injuries, who refuses to distance himself from Priests found to be abusing children and even gave one a character reference, who laughed and mocked an aged pensioner, who smirked when an aged pensioner said she has to work in the sexy industry to survive, to attacks dissent against his Government as being unAustralian…

Where does the Liberal Party philosophy as stated above reflect their Governments?

Now with the constant remove of rights and civil liberties including the Government stealing your assets if your dissent, Australians are now at the mercy of despots and there is only way to remove them. That is through the act of mass civil disobedience, violent revolution and the murder of those in power. I endorse it.

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Sex Ed. The Bear Facts. NSFWusses.

A NakedWombat video covering sex education in a cutesy sort of way.



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The Truth About ‘Yeha-Noha’

From the blog, Brief Insights we get to see how we should not just believe something because it’s marketed to us even on a new age music label. I’m not saying they mislead for they probably received wrong information and took it on good faith.

It’s not about happiness and prosperity but a cheating owl in a ball game with a giant.

Click here to read the blog post.


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A Cherokee Legend on Fire

A Cherokee Legend

In the beginning of the world, there was no fire. The animal people were often cold. Only the Thunders, who lived in the world beyond the sky arch, had fire. At last they sent Lightning down to an island.

Lightning put fire into the bottom of a hollow sycamore tree.

The animal people knew that the fire was there, because they could see smoke rising from the top of the tree. But they could not get to it on account of the water. So they held a council to decide what to do.

Everyone that could fly or could swim was eager to go after the fire. Raven said, “Let me go. I am large and strong.”

At that time Raven was white. He flew high and far across the water and reached the top of the sycamore tree. While he sat there wondering what to do, the heat scorched all his feathers black. The frightened Raven flew home without the fire, and his feathers have been black ever since.

Then the council sent Screech Owl. He flew to the island. But while he was looking down into the hollow tree, a blast of hot air came up and nearly burned out his eyes. He flew home and to this day, Screech Owl’s eyes are red.

Then Hooting Owl and Horned Owl were sent to the island together. But the smoke nearly blinded them, and the ashes carried up by the wind made white rings about their eyes. They had to come home, and were never able to get rid of the white rings.

Then Little Snake swam across to the island, crawled through the grass to the tree, and entered it through a small hole at the bottom. But the smoke and the heat were too much for him, too. He escaped alive, but his body had been scorched black. And it was so twisted that he doubled on his track as if always trying to escape from a small space.

Big Snake, the climber, offered to go for fire, but he fell into the burning stump and became as black as Little Snake. He has been the great blacksnake ever since.

At last Water Spider said that she would go. Water Spider has black downy hair and red stripes on her body. She could run on top of water and she could dive to the bottom. She would have no trouble in getting to the island.

“But you are so little, how will you carry enough fire?” the council asked.

“I’ll manage all right,” answered Water Spider. “I can spin a web.” so she spun a thread from her body and wove it into a little bowl and fastened the little bowl on her back. Then she crossed over to the island and through the grass. She put one little coal of fire into her bowl and brought it across to the people.

Every since, we have had fire. And the Water Spider still has her little bowl on her back.

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A Voter’s Letter to Prime Minister Abbott Post Budget 2014

I found this open letter to the Prime Minister of Australia after delivering their first that basically liked you but only if you earn over $250K or a major corporation. It’s worth the read;


Dear Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey,


I’d like to start off this open letter by stating that I have never supported Labor, OR Liberal. Both parties are against my political ideal, and I feel that the Labor leadership battle left themselves in a mess to which you were able to take advantage. Kudos to you…credit where it is due. For this reason I do not need to hear any attempted rebuttals of “it is Labor’s fault”. Just like in the Disney film ‘Frozen’, “LET IT GO”.


This letter is in enquiry to the announcement of your 2014-15 Federal Budget. An announcement that you state is necessary to get the budget out of deficit and into surplus (a deficit that is the fourth lowest debt in the entire developed world, but a deficit nonetheless). You have both stated that it is time that Australians ‘tighten their belts’ because the time for ‘luxurious spending’ is over.


My first question to you is, what is ‘luxurious spending’? Spending money to support people with physical and mental disabilities that prevent them from working to support themselves? Funding low interest loans to allow young Australians to be able to choose and strive for a career that does not necessarily need to involve retail, manufacturing, hospitality or mining (not that there is anything wrong with those career choices. That is the great thing about Australia. We have choices.)? Spending money on education and health in order to keep Australian’s educated and healthy? Ensuring that all Australians that fall on hard times have the opportunity to get back on their feet (particularly if you are under 30)?


If so, you need to reevaluate your priorities. Luxury is renovating The Lodge for an ‘unspecified’ amount of money. Luxury is dressing your daughters in Moschino gowns for post-election galas. Luxury is having Rupert Murdoch on your side to propagate an unknowing Australian public into believing this is the only way out. Try to correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure even the Oxford English Dictionary would correct you on what is ‘luxurious spending’. I hear you went to Oxford once upon a time, Mr. Abbott. Shitting on your own dictionary. What class.


My second question to you is, why make cuts in these areas when there are so many other options available? Like the $7.4b you allocated towards defense and purchasing aircraft (did you read John Marsden’s ‘Tomorrow when the war began’, series and freaked the fuck out? It freaked me out…but not enough to spend $7.4b)? Like the distinct lack of taxes on the super rich? Like the fact that you have frozen your parliamentarian salaries for twelve months, only to give yourselves a $40k pay rise when the freeze lifts? Like the tax cuts you have given to big mining?


I acknowledge that mining is a huge part of the Australian economy. However, you need to remember that this industry has a use by date. Even if you had found a magical way to produce more coal (lets face it…I am still waiting for my acceptance letter from Hogwarts at the age of 27, so this is not going to happen), the renewable energy sector is internationally outpacing all other energy industries. Even China, our biggest trading partner of coal, is beginning to explore renewable energy options for their largest cities. In the appropriated words of Regina George, “stop trying to make coal happen”. Find a new industry to drive the economy.


And the taxes? I’m still trying to work out the plausibility of someone earning an income over $250 000 p.a being taxed (as a combination of the fuel excise increase, GP fee, etc) an extra $1492, when middle income families and the under 30’s unemployed will be slugged $4931 and $6944 from funding cuts respectively?

Whatever crazy pills you are taking to justify that, I want in. I will probably need them daily so I can attempt to feign nonchalance when I am thrown under the bus by your policies.


I should probably tell you a bit about myself so you can probably understand why I dislike you two so much right now. I am a high school teacher (back flipping on Gonski? Come on. You know my stereotype. We ‘love’ to strike. We can make your day very inconvenient when push comes to shove). I am currently on a year by year contract, working with students with behavioural needs. It is difficult to find permanency in a field that is awash with graduates, but I still love my job. And I do it damn well.


Inevitably, your cuts to Education mean that my position may and probably will come to an end sooner rather than later. I guess I could try and find another job? Oh wait…there is an 11.5% unemployment rate for people under the age of 30. I am 27. Shit balls. I guess I’ll have to go on Newstart to try and support myself in the meantime. Oh wait…I will not be able to get it for 6 months? Can I forward your contact number onto my Real Estate? I’m sure if you talk to them they will be totally understanding. I guess I could move back home…but my mother, a sole parent who works as a child care worker, earns an amount that is not sustainable to support me. She would not be able to (and should not have to) support me while I look for another job. I guess I could try and go for any old job I guess? Income is income, right? Thanks to my double degree, I am now overqualified for most advertised job positions in the job seeker sector.


Enough about me though, we should turn our focus back to Australia and ‘Australia’s good’. Which brings me to my third and final question for this letter. Thankfully, I do not need to be creative with this question, as it was asked by the ever sassy yet level headed host of the ‘7.30 Report’, Sarah Ferguson.

“Is it liberating for a politician to decide that election promises don’t matter?”


For someone who harped on about Julia Gillard breaking an election promise, you have broken several. So take a seat.


I doubt that this open letter will cause any change inside your frame of mind, but it is a channel of communication that I want the world to see.



An Australian voter you dislike.

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Short Message For Business

I support a strong vibrant economy stimulated by a mix of public and private investment. Business has run strong and we have had amazing growth of living standards under the system we are told is killing the country but that system is gone.

I say to business leaders that if their business needs people to work on wages so low that they can’t afford to eat, your business skills are shit. Stop blaming the people and take your egotistical self to the mirror and there you will see a poor business manager.

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